Formulation and evaluation of plant-based cosmetics incorporating plant extracts having skincare properties.

Principle Investigator: Dr. Rajani Shakya
Department of Pharmacy, Kathmandu University

This study aims to develop and optimize cosmetic formulation with liposomal delivery systems which incorporate plant extracts having skincare properties.

Twenty formulations of cream base, designed using Central Composite Design (CCD) were prepared in the laboratory and on the basis of their characteristics base optimization was done. Optimized formulation has been kept for stability results.

For the preparation of liposomes the methods we have chosen are thin film hydration followed by extrusion, and ethanol injection. The thin film method involves making a thin film in an evaporating flask by the removal of organic solvent. Upon addition and agitation of the dispersion medium above phase transition temperature, heterogeneous liposomes are formed, which finally are extruded through polycarbonate membranes of pore size 0.45 µm. Whereas, the ethanol injection involves dissolving the lipids in ethanol, heating it above phase transition temperature and finally injecting it in water above phase transition temperature through syringe gauge size #20. The work is under progress. The pants extracts are also being prepared by sequential extraction from non polar solvents to polar consisting of hexane-acetonitrile-ethyl acetate-ethanol-water, the extracts were then subjected to solid phase extraction for further purification process.